Khyro’s (Heliodrome) Spoken Word Piece on Miles Davis


The Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montreal, is holding an exhinit retracing the life of Miles Davis titles “We want Miles” until August 29 2010. In the steps of this exhibit the french radio of Radio-Canada recorded a podcast narrated by spoken-word artist Alexis O’Hara. This podcast follows the footsteps of Miles Davis in the different eras of Montreal that saw this great musician perform. A cast of musicians and artists comment on those times while the listener is invited to walk around the city. Heliodrome’s Khyro was asked to write a text inspired by the life of Miles Davis as a complement of this web feature. His writing reflects strongly on the many struggles lived by the artist; be it racism, violence, addiction to drugs and women…

Entre les deux périodes dépeintes dans les parcours, de 1975 à 1981, Miles Davis se retire complètement du monde de la musique. Pour la première fois de sa vie, il n’entend plus la musique. Il ne touche pas une seule fois à sa trompette pendant six ans. De la plume abrasive qui le caractérise, le poète Khyro esquisse ce qu’il a perçu dans les ténèbres du Prince.

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